Apprenticeship Vacancy For SLowongan Internships for Students / High School Students of the Mutual Cooperation Playen Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta

Students Internship Vacancy / high school student at  the Institute of Education Surya Nusantara  Hub WA: 085867157699

Quote Rahmatullahi God vbrkath

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Apprenticeship Vacancy Surya Nusantara

You Students or Students ........ 
  • Confused looking for apprenticeship?
  • Looking for apprenticeship comfortable?
  • Want an extra allowance of apprentice bonus?
  • Difficult for the time between the internship and bustle?
  • Afraid that ratings do not match expectations apprentice?
  • Want to get something more than just an internship?
  • Further develop the potential well in the intern? 

LembagaPendidikan Surya Nusantara  accept trainees from various institutes  of Education and various departments. Not only the experience, and the value corresponding to expectations get, but the bonus is also already looking apprentices. Requirements:
  • A cover letter from the institution of origin
  • KK / KTP / SIM
  • No HP & Gmail
  • Fill the form  HERE
  • Full AC
  • Free Wifi
  • Certificate
  • Intensive / Bonus *
  • Dormitory (For those from out of town) *

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